

36.00 € / mp

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36.00 € / mp

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You have reached the standard order size limit. If you need a larger wallpaper, please contact our customer service team

we recommend adding another 6-10 cm to the width and height, as walls are not always perfectly smooth

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    1 mp
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Must Wallpaper

Experience the exquisite Must wallpaper model. Romantic, nostalgic, and deeply rooted in tradition, these elements bring Romania to life—an embodiment of nature, playfulness, and unbridled joy. What memories are evoked as you gaze upon these captivating narratives captured within the images? Perhaps the aroma of a biting winter, clandestinely standing before a warm stove, with carolers' melodies wafting through the air. Or maybe a day spent in a sun-drenched meadow, where bare feet touch the raw blades of grass, gently caressed by the sun's rays._x000D_

The textures

We have produced the wallpaper on a Vlies base. Just like we do with all our designs, because it is is an extremely strong and durable unwoven material. We provide you with three different textures, so that you can choose the most appropriate one, according to the final look you're going for. Our Smooth wallpapers are matte, even, as well as extremely soft to the touch. Canvas is a texture that creates the illusion of an oversized painting adorning your wall. And finally, the Linen texture, a precious material that covers your walls with a finish that is reminiscent of the richness of linen. As a result, your home will wear the signature of your own personal style._x000D_







Dor Collection

Longing—an evocative word, resonating with strong emotions. It conjures memories of cherished individuals, childhood moments, and special places. Longing defies easy description; it must be felt to be truly understood. It embodies a blend of desire, melancholy, sadness, and hope, gripping our hearts unrelentingly. The Workshop Collection seeks to kindle nostalgia within us—a yearning for our homeland, for those sheltered beyond foreign borders. A yearning for traditions forgotten, for authenticity, for a return to our roots. It encompasses missing everything that "home" represents—a collective desire to remember._x000D_
Romania comes alive where nature thrives, where laughter and merriment abound—a tapestry woven with these elements._x000D_
*We love and respect nature, this is why all our wallpapers are made from natural, ecological and biodegradable materials._x000D_
**House of VLAdiLA recommends the use of our own adhesive in the application of wallpaper. This way, you can enjoy a fast, safe and efficient redecoration process that meets the highest quality standards.
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